Tuesday, September 29, 2015

{hold: lead parenting and how we parent with our mobile devices}

I just got back from a trip to London (which was preceded by a trip to Maine with my Mom) leaving my husband to manage the house and hang out with Asher for two whole weeks without me! It's been a busy September, and so seeing Anne Marie Slaughter's pieces/discussion surrounding her newest book release and then today, reading her husband's piece on fathers as lead parents was a breath of fresh air. It was a reminder of the greatness (and importance) of the tag-team/partnership Charlie and I have established. It soothed my conscious, and helped me to fend off twinges of remorse over my decision to miss out on such precious time with my infant son, and the pangs of guilt that crept in on leaving so much on my husband's (already very full plate).

And then there's this really interesting piece on our cellphones and how our children perceive our constant use of these devices. I think Charlie and I have a good balance on navigating home/work life, even when we have so many demands on the 'home' plate. The greater challenge is being able to be present when our head is muddled with never-ending to-do lists when we are home, and rejecting social media's empty promises surrounding care-free escapism and the (false) creation and curation of always -beautiful and comfortable internet lives.

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