Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thricely quoted

That sounds like a 'real nonstop head-spin twirlfest.' 
-HH (quoting Jon Stewart, who quoted Abe Lincoln.  Obviously.)

Quote is in summation of things lately.  Not in an, 'OMG! My life is so hard!' way.  Decisions loom on things like attending graduate school, moving for a job and caring for family.  I'm fully cognizant of the fact that I'm immensely privileged to be faced with such conundrums.

These decisions will just have an impact on the trajectory of life, and since when did I have to start making these decisions for myself?!  I'd like for my mom to handle this, please.  Or better yet, Rhodes College (where you think you're living and operating autonomously, but your food and livelihood are accounted for, and all you do is attend class on occasion and eat doughnuts with friends)!

{they're probs playing Solitaire. double vice-whammy}
Also, my 'Statement of Purpose' for grad school apps is suffering immensly due to my vices and lack of discipline, which lately have included:
1. Battlestar Galactica
2. Playing Solitare
3. Blogging

So, basically I'm channeling a tech-savvy but socially awkward nerd, my grandmother and a stay-at-home mom.

I guess that's something, which is better than nothing, and also better than channeling Godzilla.  Or maybe I'm finally letting some of my Greek heritage emerge.

Alas.  I digress.

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