Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Pigeonhole Times #1.

So a few weeks back I received an amazing email from a friend.  She’s a fantastic writer and her emails always make my desk-job workday more enlightened.

I'm talking to Ellie about this right now, but I have to share this with the group because it's priceless.  There have been several country-wide protests (hartals) lately called by the opposition party.  The opposition leader, Khaleda Zia, announced she was going on a hunger strike for--wait for it--six hours.  Some people might consider a "six hour hunger strike" as "the time between lunch and dinner," but what do they know?

I love it.  This is classic Bangladesh politics: histrionic declarations of self-sacrifice/martyrdom matched only by tone-deaf self-absorption.  A six-hour hunger strike is like the bastard child of Gandhi and Marie Antoinette.

Does anyone know what happened to that guy who went on a hunger strike in India to end corruption?  I bet he starved to death.

Ellie’s friend

It was so funny that I decided I should send it on to my coworkers.  However, I work at a Christian organization and thus felt iffy about the email’s reception if it included the word bastard.  So, I decided to hit up my best-friend-at-work-website,

The best part was when a coworker walked up to ask me something, and this was definitely on my screen:

Thankfully it was a cool/young/hip coworker who wasn’t horribly offended by my depravity and we mostly just fell into a fit of muffled cubicle laughter.

Oh cubicles and the privacy from which you deprive us….

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