Friday, July 29, 2011

T-Shirt Fridays

I get to dress down at work on Fridays.  Previously I would just wear jeans with a professional-ish looking shirt, but ever since the AC at our work broke two weeks ago and people began showing up in shorts and tank tops (omg!) I have let any semblance of grown-up-job-ness fall completely to the wayside.

This is also due, in part, to the recent Threadless t-shirts I've purchased and subsequent lack of any good  place to wear said shirts out in public. (If I 'twittered' I would use the #needtogetasociallife qualifier here.)

If you haven't been to, you should.  The site is full of t-shirt designs submitted by artists and graphic design whiz kids.  You get to vote on your favorite designs and voila! they become a t-shirt you can buy.  If you wait long enough, you can generally get the shirts at $10 a pop.

Initially I bought them for Charlie.  But, he was having too much fun and I'm not a good sideline-player/shopper so...

Here are examples of the shirts they have.  My recent purchases:

House Brawl, which coincided with my birthday and the Harry Potter release, so I let Charlie birthday-gift me this away!

Charlie has this one -  Biblical Disaster

These are on my wish list:

Hit up Threadless - to make your casual Fridays exhilarating.  

Taking Stock

So it's been just a bit over six months since the birth of this blog and my (count it!) one post.

I figured since I had so many lofty ambitions at the start of the new year, I should assess my successes (and failures) at accomplishing the numerous, overzealous New Year's Resolutions.

Read 2 books each monthP
I've ticked off about half on the previous list, and added quite a few.  The biggest surprise was becoming engrossed in the Hunger Games Trilogy, which I highly recommend.

Eat at a new restaurant in Baltimore each month O
Despite all my noble intentions, this just hasn't happened. I think I've eaten at 2-3 new places in Baltimore-proper since January, but there was very little calculation involved.  These outings were very much based on happenstance.

Save for new camera/get into photography - P & O
I got a Nikon D-5000 for my birthday!  But...I still haven't opened the box because I'm waiting to hear back about the IRS audit I'm involved in.  
(Yes, that happened this year.  When did I become old enough to be audited by the IRS?!  I thought that only happened to rich, old, greedy, white men.  But apparently not.)  Since the camera is still sitting in the box I clearly have yet to venture into the world of photography, but I dream about dashing home and ripping open the box whenever my mind wanders at work.  So, any day now and I'll be taking pictures like this!  

(Taken by Russ Barnes; from the BBC's weekly theme photo submission.  The theme here was 'wind.')

Run half-marathon and complete a sprint triathlon - & O
I completed the Nashville half-marathon in May!  I also came to terms with the fact that I can't swim, so I've abandoned the sprint triathlon idea until I have a much bigger chunk of time to commit to improving my doggie-paddle.  Thus, I am substituting the sprint triathlon with another half-marathon, in Annapolis in November.  

Monthly date with husband - O
Epic fail.  We've probably gone out once a month, but it hasn't been intentional.  Plus, I'd have to count the midnight showing of Harry Potter (which works since we both love HP, but still...).

Judge less, pray more - ?
Who knows?  This one is hard to quantify, and it's hard to change the flaws that are so deeply embedded.  But, probably not... O

Cook/bake something new each month - P
We've had a lot of company + I generally do this anyway, so...

Write a letter to a friend/family member bi-monthly - OO
I haven't written a single, stinkin note.  Embarrassing.


I think I bit off more than I can chew.  Typical.